Monday, February 22, 2010

My husband - I love you!

So, clearly I'm still learning how to be good at this blogging thing - evidenced by the fact that I've been silent on my blog for nearly 2 years. Wow! Has it really been that long? I'm amazed Blogger hasn't terminated it, thank you guys! There is hope for me yet, I suppose.

Anywho, on to the subject at hand: my husband. Don't be scared babe, I'll be gentle (just like we teach Katherine - :).

What can I say about my husband? I love his so much. But recently it has become evident to me that I do not know how to communicate my love to him in ways that he understands. Somehow, no matter how much I say I love him and praise him, when I say "Honey, these are things that we can work on to improve our relationship" he hears "You're a bad husband". Which is not what I mean. So, babe - here is to all the things you do right. :) These are in no particular order, just as they come to me.

1. I love you for all the little things you do for me. God really knew what he was doing when he brought us together. You are so self-less. Like when you walk my dog every morning, even though he's my dog, not yours. And you don't even like dogs, although I think Buddy has grown on you - :). You've often said: "I got you, you came with the dog, so he is my responsibility too. " Love you, honey!

2. You're so good with Katherine, she adores you. I love how there are nights when she cries and only you can calm her. That is so special for a little girl, I was one - I know. You're a perfect daddy for her, don't you ever doubt that! You have this amazing ability to completely focus on her and only her. I love you!

3. You rock with the idea of skipping on all the chores yesterday and having a truly relaxing day. My dishes are dirty in the sink, but I love that we spent a whole day focus on each other and our baby girl. What a great day! I love you very much.

4. stay tuned ...